Episode 709: Social Media

Episosde 709 Social Media logo

We are the Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange, and our members are all types of libraries and their staff.

You can check out our full show notes page here, with all of our links.

Today’s episode is part of our series on Library Basics. We are working through some of the skills people need in every library. Not everyone is going to school for a Master’s degree in Library Science, and that’s fine. We want to be sure everyone has the skills to be comfortable in a library and to be successful for the community you are serving.

Social media of all sorts can be great for helping you to connect your materials, services, and programs with your community members. You probably get a number of them coming into the library already, and that’s great. But there are probably more people who never make it into your library, and you need a good strategy to connect your great stuff with them. Social media can be that tool for you.

But, how do you use social media? Where should you start? What should you say? We are going to walk you through some basic tips today, to help you get started. In the end, the most important thing is just to give it a try, be yourself, and don’t get too worried about making it perfect. Like any conversation you have with anyone, things will sometimes be a little imperfect. Just keep going, keep sharing, and keep talking with people.