“Is That All You Do?” Self-Promotion as a School Librarian

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We know that being a school librarian is a cool, wonderful thing. And that you spend a lot of time working and doing great things for your community.

So, we are excited about your work, and support all of you! Check out this article excerpt, and be ready to tell other people how great you are!

“I recently met a person who asked what I did for a living.

“I’m a school librarian,” I said.

“Is that all you do? Don’t they let you do anything else?” they asked.

I had a million responses to this, none of them very polite, but I did what Canadians do and just smiled and shrugged and said something like “well, we’re really busy here.”

It got me thinking about how insular a school librarian position can be, specifically in schools where there are so many departments and things going on. It can be difficult to promote yourself and to prove your worth, because a lot of librarians don’t have that gene in them that allows them to shamelessly toot their own horn. That’s just my opinion; I could be wrong, but I cringe when I think about emailing mass amounts of people and boasting about the cool things we do in the library on a weekly and sometimes daily basis.

I’d also like to say that if you are a school librarian and want to create a case study on anything great that you’ve done recently, you can do so at the Great School Libraries Campaign.

In addition, here are a few ways to promote yourself as a school librarian:

  • Whole School Assemblies
  • Staff Briefings
  • Bring the Library to Them
  • Attending Meetings for Subject Leaders
  • Invite Teachers and Staff to All Events”

Get the entire article with all the information and ideas here!