Mark Your Calendar: Zoom Q&A for CMLE’s Extended Mini Grants

logo for CMLE extended minigrants

CMLE has been so pleased by the wonderful applications we’ve received for our Extended Mini Grant Program! In case you missed it:

“For this school year only, through May, 2021, we will be soliciting minigrant applications from member libraries for funds up to $1,000. This is our Extended Minigrant program, as brought to you by the CMLE Board of Trustees.” Read more and apply on our page.

We understand that if you’re new to writing grant applications, this process can seem a bit intimidating. So we’re holding a special Q&A Zoom session on Tuesday, January 12th at 10am! Join us to ask any questions you may have about the grant program or application. (RSVP below)

This year has been hard on everyone. So we really encourage our members to apply for this grant! You can read more information about our special extended mini grant program on our page. Otherwise, please RSVP below for the Zoom session at 10am on January 12th. We’re looking forward to talking with you!
