What are We Doing This Week? Jan. 24

What are we doing today? winter logo

Join us here each week. We will provide activities for all ages, with online activities and some things to do on your own. It’s winter, we’re having a pandemic, and there should be a lot of staying at home. But that doesn’t mean being bored! Dive in here, and let’s do some fun things!

Virtual Travel

Grab a flashlight – you will need it on this trip! We are headed to Carlsbad Caverns National Park. This is one of our national treasures – the national parks belong to all of us, and any of us can visit to enjoy it!

Information from the National Park Service website: “High ancient sea ledges, deep rocky canyons, flowering cactus, and desert wildlife—treasures above the ground in the Chihuahuan Desert. Hidden beneath the surface are more than 119 caves—formed when sulfuric acid dissolved limestone leaving behind caverns of all sizes.”

Let’s Move

Staying inside a lot means most of us are doing less moving around. More exercise helps us to keep our anxiety levels down and to release chemicals to keep us happy. So, let’s have some fun this week!

Workout 4 | HIIT & Abs | The Body Coach Beginner Workout Series

STEM Project

Pour ice that is warm to the touch but freezes. “You won’t believe how easy it is to whip up this hot ice science experiment! Just like all of our favorite science projects for kids, you just need a few simple supplies from your pantry: vinegar, baking soda and water.

The prep is quick and simple but the results are pure magic! Your kids are going to want to repeat this science experiment over and over again. “

Academic Fun

The Tallest Building in the World: “Find out about the architecture, materials, and process used to create the world’s tallest building. Then explore the math problems and social justice activities.”

Book Challenge

It’s not exactly a secret: we are big fans of books and of reading! Check out this week’s book challenge for some ideas for more books to read and to share.

If You Have Read More Than 30% of These, You Were a Bookworm as a Child: A list of all the books that were popular amongst the bookish children when I was at primary school. More recent big hits might be missing.”

Arts and Crafts

Straw Weaving: “If you’re at all familiar with the Rainbow Loom, then you can see how exciting this project can be for older kids! My daughter has an obsession with yarn lately, and I’m so happy to say that I’ve finally found a good use for it. She’s not quite old enough to knit, but this is a fun alternative for making bracelets and bookmarks. Get the full instructions here including a video tutorial.”

Calm and Background

All of this staying home, working at home, studying at home – it can be hard. It may be helpful to have a calming influence to watch while you are working. Click on this video, sit back, close your eyes, and just spends a few minutes letting your mind drift and relax.


Cozy Log Cabin Beautiful Snow With Fireplace Crackling Fire Sounds And Candles In 1080P UHD | PT.2 |