Play Library Bingo With Your Students!

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Photo by Naim Benjelloun on

Bingo games can be fun to help engage your patrons of all ages – and it’s very easy to put together!

Here are a couple of Bingo card generators, that you might use to create cards that are individual to your library or to your school:

Check out this article from ALSC Blog: Keeping them Reading with Winter Book Bingo.

One of the biggest challenges for me since COVID-19 has been keeping my students engaged in reading. My position was created at the beginning of last school year, and as we built what is now our new Learning Commons, I worked hard to get students excited about the incoming collection of books and the ability to stop by and pick out whatever book they wanted.

Shortly after our space opened, COVID became our new reality, and I tried to keep kids engaged with reading through our Academy Book Mobile and other initaitives. I knew all along though, that part of the appeal and excitement about our new space was being able to be browse the shelves. Unfortunately, it is something we just can’t safely offer at this time.

So, I’ve been working on curating an eBook collection that students can safely peruse and reflects what they want to read, while incentivizing them reading the books in a fun way; Book Bingo!

Over the holidays and throughout the month of January, students and their families have been working hard to complete the Bingo card that corresponds with their grade level. Each square is filled with a book or prompt that engages students in our collection or exposes them to a genre or story they may not have read before. There are three ways to earn prizes: traditional Bingo, filling the whole card, and being the grade with the most Bingo winners. I’m still deciding on prizes, so if you have suggestions, please share them in the comments!

Although I am still struggle to get our students and families engaged and playing along, as our Learning Commons and reading for fun are still new to many of them, I am excited about families connecting with one another over books and exploring our digital collection.

Here is a link to the page that holds our Bingo cards for those that are interested.. If you would like a copy of the template, I would be happy to share!”