Episode 803: Makerspaces

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Welcome back to Season Eight of Linking Our Libraries! We are so happy to have you with us this season!

We are the Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange. Our members are libraries of all sorts: public, schools, academics, special libraries, archives, and history centers. Join us in working thorough skills library staffers can use to be more successful in their work! 

You can find our show notes page here, with all the information we discuss here today, links to all kinds of resources, and links to the books we share.

One of the most frequent questions we get from our members is how they can start to set up a makerspace. And of course, there are as many possible answers to that as there are libraries.Today we will walk through a few basic ideas, to be sure you can feel confident in your own library’s makerspace.

We have talked to several people who were worried they would not be able to set up their makerspaces the right way. So we have good news to share right away: There is no “right” way to do this! Your makerspace can be as individual as your library. As with so many things, you just have to get started. You can always refine it as you go along.