Self Care in the Library: Stretch

tiger in shallow photo
Photo by Richard Verbeek on

We continue to share all kinds of information to help you to focus on your self-care. We’re having a pandemic. Work is a challenge. And even if everything is great around us – it’s hard to work in a library some days.

We want to help you in your self-care practice, and to keep reminding you that this is important. Keep remembering to take care of yourself, and to keep doing the best you can. We’re here for you.

This sounds kind of simple, but increasing your physical flexibility can be a powerful tool for you.

When you get up in the morning, take a minute or two (or 20 – work with your schedule) to stretch. (We mentioned this last week, in developing a morning routine.)

Ideally, stand up once an hour or so to walk around, and you can do some stretches there. (We understand this isn’t always possible!)

At lunchtime, do a couple more minutes of stretching.

Time to go home? Take a minute to stretch out the frustrations of the day.

When you are ready to settle into bed, take minute to stretch out so you are relaxed and ready for sleep.

Whew! That sounds like a lot! As with everything in self-care: at least have it as your goal; whether or not you hit it perfectly isn’t so important – at least work on doing it more than “nothing” in your day.

Stretching is very individual. Some of us are born very stretchy and bendy, and some of us struggle to touch our knees when bending forward – let alone our toes.

Here’s the secret: none of that matters.

This is literally the area where it does not matter AT ALL what anyone else is doing. It definitely only matters what YOU are doing. There is no Official Olympic Standard of “right” here – there is just feeling better in your own body.

When you are stretched out, feeling loose and flexible, it is so nice! When you walk, your hips move; when you type, your fingers zip along; when you stand up, your back and shoulders give a zing of happiness. There is a surprising amount of happiness that comes with just a little bit of self-care here.

Of course, all the standard disclaimers apply. We don’t want you to get hurt – so push enough to get stretched, and that’s enough. I have tight hips (all that sitting and typing all day!) and it feels very “intense” when I’m on the floor, flopped on my back, and stretching them out. And then it feels sooooo good immediately! So, do some slow stretching if you are just getting started, and see how things feel for you. Focus on your own happiness.

Our Stretching Rules:

Hit all the different areas of your body, head to toes. It may be surprising where things are tight that you didn’t even realize! Breathe into it. Hold for at least a few seconds. No bouncing. You are only stretching you – no need to be concerned how others are stretching. There is no wrong way, as long as it feels good to you. Do a minute, do 30 minutes; whatever works for your schedule is right. Now is a good time to try. Be happy.

Here are a few resources you might check out, to think about stretching.

And a few videos: