Episode 805: Podcasting

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As you can probably guess, since we have been doing this for many years now, we are not only fans of podcasts but we also create them! These are a relatively easy way for libraries to share ideas and information with their community members. Today we will walk through some of the steps you can follow to help your library to create and share audio information in podcast form!   

You can find our full show notes page here, with links to all the resources we share and the books we discuss.

The first thing we want to say, and this is not necessarily to be discouraging: podcasting takes a lot more time and effort than you think it will. People’s images of podcasting tend to be happy people, sitting around a desk with microphones, cheerfully having conversations filled with interesting thoughts.

Sure. That happens. But getting there is a lot of work, and transforming those words in a room into words in your headphones is a lot of work.

So, think through all of the material we are going to share with you today before you make a final decision on whether or not to start a podcast. Of course, we are always happy to have more, good quality podcasts in the library world! We would love for you to join us!

But there is nothing wrong with being a good podcast consumer, and not starting one of your own. There are enough podcasts that only went three episodes, podcasts with terrible audio quality, podcasts that are just people giggling over how hard it is to have something interesting to say. We do not need more of them.

As with so many things we talk about here, thinking about your strategy, and making a good plan for success, will be very helpful to you in creating a good podcast. And actively deciding not to make a podcast may also be a good decision for you!