CMLE Members: A Little Bit Of Grant Money Left!

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Our grant committee held their monthly meeting, and awarded money to grant applicants.

And it turns out we have a liiiiiitle bit of money left!

We really want to fulfill the mission from our Board, to give all of this money to our members who need a little support right now, trying to deal with pandemic-related issues. We know it’s tough, and everyone is dealing with unexpected problems; so if there is something we can do to help out, we want to do that.

The application is here.

You can apply for up to $1,000. You can spend it on materials, on technology tools to help your library to better serve your community, on programming. Do you have another idea? Give it a try!

The focus here is to help our member libraries to solve a problem you are facing right now. If spending some money on something will help to make your library stronger, we want to do that.

If you have applied before – do it again! If you thought about it, but didn’t – do it now!

The committee stressed that in reopening these applications, they really want to see details about your request. Be specific in what you are asking for, in the money you will spend. We want to give this money to members, and we want to give it to the libraries best ready to jump in and spend it. All the money needs to be spent by May 30.

Do you have any questions? Send them to us! or

And remember: we will have our regular mini grants available starting this fall, as usual. They can be funded up to $300, to help support members who are doing interesting things for their communities.

We are here to help support our community of libraries!