StoryWalk and Let’s Move in Libraries Program!

man with blue and maroon camping bag
Photo by Spencer Gurley on

Warm weather is coming along, and we are still having that global pandemic. So outdoor programming is a good idea for everyone! Check out this StoryWalk program, and see if you can be part of offering this in your library.

You can find more information on the Let’s Move In Libraries website right here.

“We’re thrilled to share the release of a new, free, downloadable StoryWalk(R) title. Thanks to a partnership involving Curiosity City, Banacom Signs, Barking Dog Exhibits, publisher Child’s Play(R), and Let’s Move in Libraries, you can now download Big Dance by Aoife Greenham. This file contains 16 individual high resolution PDF’s. The publisher Child’s Play has waived the need for individual permission. You are NOT violating copyright by using this signage. This printable StoryWalk(R) can be displayed for five years. Get started at Curiosity City, where you can preview the book before downloading it.

Any book your library owns can be turned into a StoryWalk(R) title, but this partnership means that you don’t need to take apart a book to make the walk. Just download the files, laminate them, post them, and you have a StoryWalk(R)! Learn more about the StoryWalk(R) movement at our Program Page.

We are also thrilled to share that we are teaming up with the Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services for the first ever StoryWalk(R) Week! Learn more on our StoryWalk(R) resource page. The event will occur November 15-19 and in a future Let’s Move in Libraries newsletter we’ll be asking you to feature your StoryWalk(R) story as part of this celebration.”

What else can you do with StoryWalk? How can you get started?

  • Join the movement! Based on research Let’s Move in Libraries conducted in Spring 2017, over 300 public libraries in the U.S. and Canada have already offered outdoor StoryWalk(R) programs. Even more have joined in since then! Use this webpage to get the information you need to join this international movement to combine literacy, exercise, nature, and family bonding.
  • Free webinar through American Library Association! On November 13, 2019, Let’s Move in Libraries teamed up with the American Library Association to offer a free webinar on “Taking a Walk with the Library: StoryWalk®, Walking Book Clubs and More.” Watch the recording!
  • Get started with a free ready-to-go installation. You can use any title you own to start a StoryWalk! Many libraries like to have activity prompts around the pages to prompt deeper immersion in the StoryWalk. Curious City has partnered with publisher Child’s Play to make the title Cat’s Colors ready to go as a high-resolution PDF. Download this free ready-to-print StoryWalk title here.
  • Logistical considerations Typically, pages from a children’s book are installed along a path. As you stroll along the path, you’re directed to the next page in the story. Pages frequently are accompanied by activities or information. Installations can take diverse forms, and include: 1) very simple set-ups that come up and go down in a single day (i.e. laminated pages attached to wooden stakes installed along a path, possibly around [or even inside] your library; 2) vendor-created StoryWalk® kits, with Curious City/Banacom Sign and Barking Dog being the most common; 3) DIY StoryWalk® installations, typically with the support of scouting groups or other volunteers.
  • DIY It. As the StoryWalk movement has grown, many have decided to create their own permanent installations. Here is a how-to-do guide from Instructables if you want to go the DIY route.”