Sign Up for the Paraprofessional Conference! May 11-13

A free conference, aimed at library paraprofessionals, starts this week! There are a variety of presentations – drop in for the sessions interesting to you any time.

A small shameless plug for a fun one:

Tuesday, May 11, 11:00
Podcasting in Your Library: For Fun and Learning

Mary Jordan – Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange

In this session, we will all walk through the basics of setting up a podcast in the library. It can be used to share ideas with staff, to do some internal training, to share materials and services with patrons, to do programming – all sorts of strategies! With libraries moving so many things online for the foreseeable future, having an easy way to share audio material can be a big help to any library. You do not need to be big, or to have a big budget – just get started!

Registration Now Open

Registration is now open for the 17th Annual Paraprofessional Conference, hosted by the SHRA Assembly of ECU’s Academic Library Services. The multi-day conference will be held on May 11th-13th. Please join us this year as we explore the theme of Technology & Cyber Awareness. It is free to attend the virtual event, but registration is required.

Although the main audience of the conference is library paraprofessionals, it is open to any person who registers for the event. Many of the presentations would be of interest to anyone who works in a paraprofessional capacity.

The conference continues to be successful each year due to the generous staff and faculty of the library who volunteer and make the event both informative and motivational. The conference planning committee looks forward to seeing everyone virtually in May!

Register Here for the 2021 Conference

The annual Paraprofessional Conference is a multi-day series of presentations and sessions occurring “at the library” during the week of May 10-14. The conference gives staff the opportunity to attend presentations on a variety of topics. Presenters come from a wide array of institutions. The goal of the conference is to provide training and information that will allow paraprofessionals to bring constructive change to their home institutions.

All questions or comments can be directed to

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!”