Self Care in the Library: Get a Hobby

woman playing piano at concert hall
Photo by Charles Parker on

We want to help you in your self-care practice, and to keep reminding you that this is important. Keep remembering to take care of yourself, and to keep doing the best you can. We’re here for you.

One really good strategy to help you your self-help moving forward is to develop hobbies.

Think about some things you might enjoy. It is not at all necessary to do something well, to be successful, or to even show anyone else what you are doing. All you need to do is just to do something that gets you away from your job, from your stresses. Do something new, something you can enjoy.

If you need some help thinking of potential hobbies, here are a few suggestions.

Playing with pets:

If you have dogs to walk, fish to watch, cats to pet – that’s great! Spend some time on that. If you do not have ready access to pets, at least you can watch them online.

Hiking and Camping:

Get outside and trudge around some beautiful areas. If you can spend some time sleeping outside, it can help you to reset your sleep cycle and your stress levels. Fortunately, in Minnesota we have an abundance of beautiful places for hiking, camping, or just enjoying.

Playing music:

Play some music from streaming services, some things you enjoy. And if you can make it happen, find an instrument to start playing. It will help your brain to function in new ways, and will keep your stress levels down. You can find some free lessons online, or check your library for some books or access to online lessons from their training programs.


This is such a broad area of possibilities for you! You definitely never need to be good at this – just diving in and trying is going to be definitely good enough, as long as you are having fun. Clay, paint, yarn, markers, fabric – anything you can think of is appropriate.

And there are so many more potential hobbies you can try! Just focus on continuing to take care of yourself, so you can be good in the library and everything else you need to do in your life.