Where Are the School Librarians? New Study Shows 20 Percent Decline In Past Decade

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Photo by Olenka Sergienko on Pexels.com

We support more than 200 schools across our membership, which have varying levels of library staffing and support. We want every school to have the best library possible, and for every student to have the best service from their library as possible.

It’s tough! It’s hard for everyone.

But school libraries are so important, and ensuring staff in the library are comfortable and confident in providing the services of a library – not just checking out books – is crucial for good student development.

Check out this article excerpt from EdSurge, and you can read the whole thing here.

“Even as students are sorting through information online more than ever, the number of school librarians who could help them learn the fundamentals of research and media literacy have been quietly disappearing.

A report published today from the School Librarian Investigation: Decline or Evolution? (SLIDE), a research project through Antioch University Seattle and funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, highlights an ongoing decline in the number of districts nationwide with school librarians. According to the findings, there were about 20 percent fewer librarians during the 2018-2019 school year in the 13,000 districts examined than a decade prior. But the absence of these educators isn’t equally distributed; Smaller, rural districts, and those with higher proportions of English-language learners, Hispanic students, and low-income students were more likely to lack a librarian.

“What we knew from our work since 2018 is that we’ve been losing school librarians at a pretty alarming rate for a decade,” says Keith Curry Lance, a library statistics and research associate with the RSL Research Group, and co-author of the study. “But everybody’s not losing their school librarians, just the people who can least afford to lose them.”

The dropping rate of districts with librarians isn’t a recent change. In fact, the steepest declines happened in the early 2010s, although a downward trend has been consistent throughout the decade. As of 2018-2019, about three in ten school districts lacked even a single librarian.

That trend contrasts with changes to other education professions over the same period. Instructional coordinators and district and school administrators increased significantly over the past ten years and teachers decreased slightly. None experienced the sustained year-after-year losses that school librarians did.”

Read the whole article here!