This Week In History, Library Style! Sept. 2: Swimming

white golf ball on green grass field
Photo by Jill Rose on

Libraries are places where we connect people to information that may be useful or interesting to them. Looking at some history, and connecting it to the materials we may have in our libraries, can be a good way to convince patrons to use and enjoy all the things we provide!

This week we are looking at September 2. Of course a lot of things have happened on this date – news and the big stories are the unusual things that are going on around us. One interesting thing that has happened today:

Diana Nyad was the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida, without a shark cage for protection! And she did this at the age of 64!

You can spin this into a variety of different programs and displays in your library. Assemble books on swimming, share videos about women in history, look up biographies of older people who did cool things, write a story about sharks who visit a library, or building model sharks or drawing sharks.

Here are a few books you might add to your collection or share with your patrons – or just enjoy yourself!