MLA Institute for Leadership Excellence (MILE) 2022

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Are you looking to develop and refine your skills to be a leader in the libraries of tomorrow? Want to enhance your professional and personal goals? Consider applying for MILE, which is a subunit of MLA that provides an opportunity to grow leadership skills, connect with library professionals across Minnesota, and be paired with a mentor/peer.

MILE helps you discover the leader within yourself and learn to lead effectively today — even if your current position is not one of leadership.

We are recruiting a class of 25 individuals with an emphasis on part-time staff, paraprofessionals, and students from a diverse range of backgrounds and library work settings, in addition to librarians and supervisory staff from public, academic, school, and special libraries.

MILE 2022 will be held May 10-13, 2022 at the beautiful Sugar Lake Lodge in Cohasset, Minnesota.

Visit MILE for application and information. Applications are due December 31.