Happiness in the Library: Grace at Work

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It’s a tough time for libraries, and people in customer service. And while we don’t want to veer into any toxic positivity, it is good to spend a little time focused on building your happiness level. We are not going to solve people’s serious mental issues here. But bringing some happiness skills to your week can be helpful to everyone!

Mondays can be a little hard, even when things are going fine. Use this small injection of a happiness skill to your week. We are here to support you, and to help you to be a little happier in the library.

This week we are looking at some strategies to show yourself some grace at work. It can be too easy to get caught up in trying to get everything done, and to serve all the needs at work. There’s nothing wrong with being good at your job; but we all need some permission to relax and take some happiness time.

Check out this article excerpt: What Giving Yourself Grace at Work—and in Life—Really Means:

“You likely have heard the so-called golden rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” In my opinion, giving yourself grace is all about the reverse: Do unto yourself as you do unto others. Or in other words, practice self-compassion—aka having understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness of yourself. This looks like being realistic, flexible, and honest about your bandwidth, energy, and interest.

1. Say no to perfectionism

2. Give yourself credit and a reward

3. Press mute on negative self-talk

4. Say no to something

You can read the whole article here, and get all the details.

CMLE can be part of your support network; we are here for you, and support you in your library work. Take a nice deep breath in, and whoosh it out; it’s going to be okay today.