Check out these resources from our colleagues at Mintex! Share ELM books with your teachers and students – it’s great to have access to all these free books!
“Along with books around race and book award nominees (coming soon), Ebooks Minnesota just grew with additional graphic novels. Several series have been added, including titles from the Capstone series, Graphic Science. This series contains graphic novels starring Max Axiom, Super Scientist, as he discusses topics like decoding genes, bacteria, electricity, global warming and other relevant STEM and science-related topics. Included are literary classics in graphic novel manga-style format, like Jane Eyre, The last of the Mohicans, The Scarlet Letter, and Les misérables. Some other recently added titles offer topics around history, including Laika: the 1st dog in space and Lake Placid Miracle.
All of these, as well as any other K-8 titles, can be accessed in Ebooks Minnesota and Ebooks Minnesota for Schools. Keep your eyes on the Minitex Messenger for upcoming annoucements of more Ebooks Minnesota additions, and don’t forget to add the MARC records for these, and other new titles to your catalog. Marc records for Ebooks Minnesota can always be accessed at Mackin’s Ebooks Minnesota Digital Collection site.”