We like to talk about books, and we like Minnesota. So we are combining two great things! We take one county each week, find an interesting fact about it, then chat for about ten minutes to share a few books on that fact.
Join us in this podcast! If you are looking for some book ideas – this is the place. If you want to share some resources with library patrons – give them this podcast! Take the ideas and books we share, and use them in your own library displays, programs, or anything else.
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- Season One episodes are here
- Season Two episodes are here
- Season Three episodes live here
- Season Four episodes live here
- Season Five episodes are found here
Season Six:
(our most recent episodes are first!)
- This week we admire Red Lake County. This county contains Equality Township. To celebrate this county, we suggest that you read a book about equality in any way.
- This week we admire Renville County. This county was named after Joseph Renville (1779-1846), interpreter for early explorations of the Louisiana Purchase. To celebrate this county, we suggest that you read a book with a bilingual character.
- This week we admire Rock County. In honor of the very cool county name, we suggest you celebrate it by reading a book about geology.
- This week we admire Roseau County. This county contains Canadian National Depot, 1914 station of the Canadian National Railway on U.S. soil, used by many immigrants leaving for Canada. To celebrate this county, we suggest you read a book about the experiences of immigrants.
- This week we admire Scott County. This county is home to the Elko Speedway. To celebrate this, we suggest that you read a book about cars or racing.
- This week we admire Sherburne County. One bonus fact to celebrate here: this is one of the CMLE member counties! All the libraries in this county are members of CMLE, and we are so happy to have you. This county is the home of Oliver H. Kelley Homestead, Farm occupied 1850–1870 by Oliver H. Kelley, founder of The National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry. We’re going to dodge the specifics there, and suggest that you read a book with a husband.
- This week we admire Sibley County. This county is the home of Transit Township. To celebrate that, we suggest that you read a book about going somewhere.
- This week we admire Steele County. This county is the home of the Blooming Prairie Township. To celebrate it, we suggest that you read a book with flowers of any sort.
- In 1872, there is evidence of a train derailment in Pine County that resulted in that train falling in and sinking into Devil’s Lake. To date, this train has not been found, but theories abound as to the events of the day. Read a book with a mysterious event.
- This week we admire Traverse County. The Traverse County Fair is held in August. To celebrate that event, we suggest that you read a book about a fair or other big celebration
- This week we admire Wadena County. Over the years there have been approximately ten creameries in the county and ten cheese factories. To celebrate that good stuff, we suggest that you read a book with dairy products.
- This week we admire Washington County. This county is named after George Washington (1732-1799), first president of the United States (1789-1797). To celebrate this county, we suggest that you read the first book in a series.
- This week we admire Watonwan County. The county names name reflects the Dakota word “watanwan,” meaning “fish bait,” or “plenty of fish.” We suggest you celebrate it by reading a book with fish or fishing.
- This week we admire Winona County. Named after Wee-No-Nah, Sister or Cousin of Chief Wabasha III. To celebrate this woman, we suggest that you read a book about an interesting woman, especially one who does something first.