We are suggesting books you might enjoy for our Goodreads group: Armchair Travel to Minnesota State Parks. We give you a prompt connected to each state park, and you find a book to fulfill the challenge. You can use one of our suggestions, and you should feel free to read any book!
The Garden Island State Recreation Area was established in 1998. This is the farthest north area in the Minnesota park system. Celebrate the park area closest to the Arctic Circle by reading a book about life in the Arctic or other extreme cold environment.
We give you links to each of these books on our show notes page, taking you to Amazon.com. If you click on any of them, and buy anything at all – including a nice book – Amazon will send us a small percent of the profits they made on these sales. Thank you for supporting CMLE!
Check out this week’s books:
- The Right to Be Cold: One Woman’s Fight to Protect the Arctic and Save the Planet from Climate Change, by Sheila Watt-Cloutier (From the University of Minnesota Press!)
- Arctic Dreams, by Barry Lopez
- The North Water, by Ian McGuire
- Over in the Arctic: Where the Cold Winds Blow, by Marianne Berkes
- The Magnetic North: Notes from the Arctic Circle, by Sara Wheeler
- Labyrinth of Ice: The Triumphant and Tragic Greely Polar Expedition, by Buddy Levy