Browsing Books: Season ONe

We like books; we like parks – and Minnesota is lucky to have both of them! Join our Goodreads book challenge: Armchair Travel to Minnesota State Parks.

We give you a link to each state park, a short fact, and a prompt for you to find a book. You find it, and read a book, and then tell us all about it on the Goodreads page. And if you visit a park, we would love to see pictures!

Enjoy the first season of this podcast!

  • John A. Latsch State Park: Steamboat captains used to travel along this park, so enjoy a book with a boat of any sort on the cover or in the plot.
  • Ft. Ripley State Park: (Feb 4, 2020) Enjoy a walking tour while you visit the park, or enjoy some armchair travels with a book that has a walking tour in the story.
  • Minneopa State Park: (Jan 28, 2020) There are bison in this park! You can drive around the Bison Drive to admire them. For this prompt, find a book with bison OR other animal conservation project.
  • Interstate State Park: (Jan 21, 2020) You can read a book with cheese, to celebrate our neighbors to the East. Or read a book with a dual nature as a plot point, to celebrate the dual states of this park.
  • Itasca State Park (Jan 14, 2020) We are celebrating that distinction [first park] with a prompt to read the first book in a series. You can also use any other book with a plot involving “first” status.