Hello! Thank you for joining us on Reading With Libraries! We’re so glad you could be here to enjoy our book group podcast.
Check out our full shownotes page here. We have links to all the books we discussed, to the beverages we enjoyed, and to the other resources you can use to find material about this genre!
Become a full book group member on Patreon! Click here to be part of the “inner circle” of this book group, and get access to behind-the-scenes info and photos. Support levels start at $1/month – and you get a postcard from Official Office Dog Lady Grey! More swag is available at higher levels of support; check it all out today.
We love doing this, but podcasts aren’t free to create; so thank you so much to our book group members who have joined us. We love having you as part of the team.
Thanks so much ladies! Great ideas of books to read!