We had such a good time with our first season of Browsing Books: Minnesota Counties! We recorded several seasons of Browsing Books looking at the state parks and recreation areas across the state of Minnesota. And when we ran out of those, we are turning to Minnesota counties, to keep exploring and celebrating Minnesota!
- Today our prompt is inspired by Le Sueur County! Le sueur means “sweat” so we want you to read a book about exercise or good health.
- Today our prompt is inspired by Jackson County! This county contains Heron Lake. So we want you to read a book about birds.
- Today our prompt is inspired by Chisago County! This county is located northeast of Minneapolis, on the border with Wisconsin. And Chisago County is part of CMLE, hooray!This county has an archeological dig site, which includes finds such as mussel shells accumulated from 600 to 1499 CE; read a book with sea shells.
- Today our prompt is inspired by Carver County! This county is located to the west of Minneapolis. It’s named after Jonathan Carver (1710–1790), early explorer and cartographer of the Mississippi river; read a book with a map on the cover or in the plot.
- This week we look at Cottonwood County. The Jeffers Petroglyphs, near Jeffers, contain pre-European Native American rock carvings; to celebrate that, we want you to read a book with any type of painting.
- This week we look at Kandiyohi County. Earl B. Olson, founder of Jennie O Turkey, was born here, and raised his daughter Jennifer here. This week we want to prompt you to read a book about a daughter.
- This week we look at Olmsted County. It is one of four counties in Minnesota that does not have any natural lakes. Experience that by reading a book about deserts.
- This week we look at one of our very lovely counties: Lake County! This county contains the unincorporated area of Castle Danger. Experience the fun yourself when you read a book with a castle or a big building this week.
- Today our prompt is inspired by Cass County! This county is located in north-central Minnesota and includes Leech Lake. This prompt is inspired by Lewis Cass (1782–1866), senator from Michigan (1845–1857) and United States Secretary of State (1831–1836); read a book set in Michigan or with a Michigander character
- Today our prompt is inspired by Carlton County! This county is located in the northeast part of the state and includes Moose Lake and Cloquet. In October 1918, an immense forest fire occurred, known as the Cloquet Fire, started here; read a book about fires of any sort.
- This week we look at Nobles County. This county contains the unincorporated area Reading; so we suggest you read a book about books or libraries.
- Today our prompt is inspired by Mahnomen County! This county is located north of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota and near Itasca State Park. This county is named from the Ojibwe word meaning “wild rice” Read a book that mentions rice, or another comfort food.
- Today our prompt is inspired by Lincoln County! This county is located on Minnesota’s southwestern border, and is named after Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), sixteenth president of the United States (1861-1865). We want you to read a book that involves honesty (or a lack of it).
- This week we look at Freeborn county. This county has the H. A. Paine House, a 1898 Queen Anne house; celebrate that by reading a book about royalty.
- Today our prompt is inspired by Crow Wing County. This county is located in north-central Minnesota and includes the town of Brainerd. The short-lived city of Old Crow Wing became known as a ghost town; read a book with ghosts or spirits of any kind. Get ready to get spooky!
- Today our prompt is inspired by Big Stone County! This county is located on Minnesota’s western border. A lake in this area is Artichoke Lake, so we’ll read a book about growing or eating healthy fruits and vegetables
- This week we look at a nearby county: Anoka! This is an adaptation of a Dakota word meaning both sides. So this week we challenge you to read a book with multiple perspectives.
- Our first county is one special to us, because it is one of the 12 counties where CMLE serves the libraries: Aitkin! The county was named after William Alexander Aitken (1785-1851), early fur trader with Ojibwe Indians in this area. This week’s challenge is to read a book with a furry animal.