Tag Archives: Collaborative

Minnesota is part of a K-12 Curriculum Collaborative

color_pencils01Open Educational Resources (OER) are in the news and Minnesota is part of an 11-state coalition setting out to create resources to support math and English/language arts in K-12 schools. The materials will be released under a Creative Commons Attribution license version 4.0, meaning that the materials can be freely copied and redistributed in any medium without additional cost.

Interestingly, studies show that the quality of teaching and learning improves when teachers are closely engaged in developing, assessing, and continually improving their learning materials.  This Collaborative appears to be a win-win for Minnesota for two reasons: 1) It supports local control, which is monumental in Minnesota, and 2) it could provide high-quality, low-cost ways to help students meet learning standards.

Read the following blog post to read more about this effort, including the deadline and process for being considered as a content developer. Go Minnesota!

Go to this link to see how Minnesota is involved and what the other 10 states and supporting organizations have to offer too!

Image credit: http://tinyurl.com/ogazd4l, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0