Tag Archives: NASIG

Learning About Library Associations: NASIG (formerly the North American Serials Interest Group)

Library science is an enormous field, home to every interest you could imagine! This means that there are many organizations out there for you to join, in order to connect with other people who share your professional interests.

So even if you work alone in your library, there are other people out there doing work similar to yours! Each week we will highlight a different library association for you to learn more about, and depending on your work, potentially join! You can also check out our page dedicated to Library Associations.

This week we’ll take a look at the organization called NASIG, formerly known as the North American Serials Interest Group. NASIG was established in 1985 with the goal of promoting “communication, information, and continuing education about serials, electronic resources, and the broader issues of scholarly communication.”

NASIG offers plenty of Continuing Education opportunities, such as webinars, several Core Competencies, and a page of Reference Resources for Serialists. NASIG also has an annual conference, this year in Atlanta from June 8th – 11th.

Keep up with NASIG news by reading their newsletter or blog. Or check out their many different awards, scholarships, and grants, and apply for one!

Some benefits of becoming a member of NASIG include access to networking forums and an online membership directory, handouts from the presenters at the annual conference, access to the the Proceedings archive, discounted admission to the annual conference, ability to only pay the member rate for NISO webinars, plus a special rate on subscriptions to The Serials Librarian.

Visit their membership page or download their pdf Membership Brochure to find out more about joining NASIG.