The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) has announced their top choices for “electronic resources that provide enhanced learning and curriculum development for school librarians and their educator collaborators.” These resources were formerly separated into the Best Apps and Best Websites for Teaching and Learning and are now combined into the Best Digital Tools for Teaching & Learning.
You can check out our archive of past recommended apps here.
Parlay Ideas “is a robust discussion tool, fostering deep understanding, equitable collaboration, and mindful reflection, in both live and asynchronous learning environments.”
Shared foundations: Collaborate, Inquire
EdSurge has this review of the app, and Common Sense Education has this review specifically for teachers. HundrED has this great article about Parlay which includes several videos that show how the app works in the classroom. Parlay is also included in this article from Mud and Ink Teaching that lists several other apps and tech ideas that can be especially helpful during remote learning.
Watch this one minute video to see how Parlay Ideas works: