In 2014, their important work was documented in the report, Rising to the Challenge: Re-Envisioning Public Libraries. A new action guide has been created with resources for “convening a community dialogue”. Libraries can use this as a tool to help them work with their communities to set a new vision for their public library.
The Aspen Institute, an educational and policy studies organization based in Washington DC, recently published “Rising to the Challenge: Re-Envisioning Public Libraries” a report detailing some strategies for public library success. In it they also give action steps for Library Leaders, Policymakers, and the Community.
Everyone has a stake in the healthy, engaged community that the public library helps to sustain. There are specific steps that individuals and organizations can take to set their communities and libraries on a path to success in the 21st century knowledge society.
Partnering with libraries for visioning, advocating, and educating