Schoology Next 2015: A CMLE Scholarship

moeThe following post was submitted by CMLE scholarship recipient Paul Moe, Instruction Technology Specialist at Sartell Schools.

Thank you very much for funding our trip to Chicago for the Schoology conference. Sam Jarnot and I drove out for the 3 day conference and had a wonderful trip. The conference provided us with an opportunity to connect with teachers, administrators and others from around the country who are using Schoology in many different ways. We are looking forward to passing along several things we learned through attending various sessions such using discussions to promote critical thinking, create better assessments and expanding professional development. During the upcoming school year we also hope to connect a few of our classrooms at Oak Ridge with classes from California to give students an understanding of what students are experiencing in other places and provide them with an opportunity to communicate with technology. Finally, we were allowed to provide input on future updates and enhancements the Schoology developers are currently working on. It is truly impressive how much Schoology listens to its users and makes changes based on that feedback. Minnesota may be the location for next year’s conference and I hope we can send a few additional staff the opportunity to see how others are making Schoology a vital part of their classroom.

Thank you for your support. It was an excellent experience.