We Need Diverse Books – booktalk kit

By now, many of us have heard of the “We Need Diverse Books” movement. Driven by an effort to promote literature that reflects and honors the lives of all young people, the message is and has always been about diversity. But what can you do? Here are some quick tips from the We Need Diverse Books website:

  • Diversify our classrooms
  • Support diverse authors
  • Promote diverse programming
  • Develop educational kits

Need immediate resources? Check out the We Need Diverse Booktalking kit. Just sign-up for their newsletter and you’ll get an email with a link to the kit. In it, among other things, you’ll find:

  • Three book lists containing: 10 picture books, 10 middle grade, and 10 YA titles with quick “pitches.”
  • Shelftalker cards to place on your bookshelves to draw attention to each listed diverse book.
  • “If you like___, then try___” shelftalker cards for the comparative titles.