“The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) replaces the No Child Left Behind version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act with language that includes “effective school library programs.”
AASL Position Statements
With the implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act moving forward, it is critically important that school boards and administrators understand what it takes to have an effective school library program. AASL’s official position statements can help us as we advocate. If components are missing, these statements from the only national organization focused on the school library profession can begin the conversation.
School librarians transform student learning, and every child deserves the services of a certified school librarian and an effective school library program.
Definition for an Effective School Library Program
AASL supports the position that an effective school library program has a certified school librarian at the helm, provides personalized learning environments, and offers equitable access to resources to ensure a well-rounded education for every student.
Appropriate Staffing for School Libraries
AASL supports the position that every student in every school, including independent schools and public charter schools, should have access to an updated school library with a certified school librarian.
Instructional Role of the School Librarian
AASL supports the position that school librarians are instructors as well as collaborators with fellow educators in the pursuit of student learning in school libraries, classrooms, learning commons, makerspaces, labs, and virtual learning spaces.
Role of the School Library Program
AASL supports the position that an effective school library program plays a crucial role in preparing students for informed living in an information-rich society.
Preparation of School Librarians
AASL supports the position that, in addition to meeting state certification requirements, school librarians hold a master’s degree or equivalent from a program that combines academic and professional preparation in library and information science, education, and technology.