Virtual Work Question


Here is a question from an academic library person, and a few answers from a list-serve. If your library has other strategies, share them in the comments!

“Our library is exploring virtual working models and we are trying to  gauge whether other libraries have implemented remote work practices for librarians.

If you have a librarian in your team working remotely (either full or part time) it would be great to know. Any details you are able to share are welcome too. Eg. How many days, what activities they are able to perform remotely etc.

Also, if this is happening with academics and other staff but not librarians, that would be useful  to know as well.”

  • At our Library, our virtual (chat) reference is regularly handled off-site during non-business hours.  Librarians usually bring their work laptops home with them.
  • I work for an online university. I work full-time 100%
    remotely, since I am able to perform all my duties online. I attend
    meetings and participate in committee work through Zoom. As a Digital Initiatives Librarian, I take care of reference services, our web development, implementing new delivery or discovery layer services, making online tutorial content, integrating with the LMS, etc.
  • I tele-work one day a week (sometimes more).  I do virtual reference, work on projects, attend meetings virtually with GoToMeeting.