CMLE Resources: Library Visits

As part of our continuing series, walking you around our website to point out information and resources you might use, our library visits are very fun!

Yes, the visits themselves are fun. We love going to see our members, and to admire the work everyone is doing.  There are so many interesting things happening across the CMLE system, that it is always a treat to see them all!

And our mission is to share information and to help build connections across all our members in the system. We know many of you are working solo, or with only one or two other people (this describes most of our members!); and that feeling of being alone, and being the only one who does what you do, or who cares about what you care about, can be hard.

We not only really enjoy visiting our members; sharing the workings of all kinds of libraries can help everyone to feel connected. You can see things going on in other places, and you can find people who do what you do! You might get some new ideas, you might think about different types of displays, or different materials. Or, you might “just” enjoy seeing what other library people are dong!

We are steadily adding to our list of libraries visited – but we want to come see YOU! We will be visiting all our members (300+ of you!), so you could really help us out by offering up a day and time before we have to track you down. (Because, you know we WILL track you down eventually!)

And in the meantime, just enjoy looking at some very nice libraries. We are a multitype system, so our members are from all over the profession; these kinds of articles let you see that we all have much more in  common than any professional differences.

Libraries are  excellent! Let’s all visit more often!!