Training Tips: Everyday Advocacy Has Lots to Offer

If you have been around CMLE at all, you know we love to talk about libraries, and to tell EVERYONE how lovely our libraries are!! For the uninitiated, that is advocacy.

We like to talk about that a lot here, because sometimes people get nervous or intimidated by the idea of advocacy. It sounds like only something that people with super-special skills could do. But advocacy is for everyone! Do you like your library? Do you have cool stuff? Tell someone about it. And presto! You are a library advocate!

You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t need a degree. You don’t need a fancy, big library with tons of funding. You just need to care about libraries.

And then you can build on that, and get some skills to help yourself to feel more comfortable in advocating for your library and for the library profession. Check out this material from the ALSC Blog about Everyday Advocacy, by  Laura Schulte-Cooper for some ideas.

“With National Library Legislative Day (May 7-8) just about a month away, this seems an appropriate time to remind everyone about Everyday Advocacy (EA)! Are you familiar with EA? According to ALSC’s EA website, Everyday Advocacy is “a grassroots effort that starts with you and the incredible things you’re already doing for the youth and families you serve.” Consider Everyday Advocacy an antidote to the advocacy intimidation factor!

Need more convincing? Just take another (or first) look at the site. It truly is filled with resources compiled to help you get comfortable in the role of advocate or to get inspired to do more in the way of advocacy. Here’s just a small sampling of what you will find at the Everyday Advocacy site:

Be Informed | The Power of Stories

Human beings learn through stories. A well-told story is an extremely compelling way to convey your message, which will linger longer in the mind of the listener than a fact. Use these strategies to help your audience cement your message through images.

Be Informed | Using Statistics Effectively

Totals, percentages, averages, ratios. We’re guessing you’ve got no shortage of numbers to share! Statistics are compelling when used strategically to tell your library’s story.  Keep these points in mind as you incorporate numbers and figures into your message.

Engage with Your Community | Identify Key Stakeholders

Who directly benefits from your library’s programs and services? Who’s in the background, supporting your efforts and cheering you on? Take first steps toward advocacy by identifying these key stakeholders in your library community.

Speak Out | Crafting Your Message

Advocating for the most compelling issue or worthy cause is a losing battle if nobody hears what you are championing or knows why they should join you! Getting your message out is essential, so prepare yourself for success with these tips.

Get Inspired | Your Advocacy Stories

Get inspired by these Everyday Advocacy stories from our very own ALSC members. Cheer your colleagues—and maybe even snap up a few new ideas in the process.

Great stuff, right?! And, there’s so much more to dive into on the website. Check it out.

Still looking for more? The April Everyday Advocacy Matters newsletter came out this week. In this issue, find: interviews with several of the newly-deemed Library Journal Movers & Shakers; library-related articles from outside the library world for you to read and share; and quick acts of advocacy for when you really only have five minutes.

Spring is a time for new beginnings. Become an Everyday Advocate!”