Book Suggestions: Strong Female Protagonist

Strong Female Protagonist Book One, by Brennan Lee Mulligan (Author), Molly Ostertag (Artist)

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This book was recommended by several people, and I’m glad I read it! I’m not a huge reader of graphic novels – I like them, but I also like a lot of words in my books and sometimes graphic novels shortchange words for cool pictures. This book had both! And on the bottom margin of many pages were short, snarky sentences referencing the action or the pictures drawn. That made it all the more fun! It felt like the author was talking to me as we read the book together.

From Amazon:

“With superstrength and invulnerability, Alison Green used to be one of the most powerful superheroes around. Fighting crime with other teenagers under the alter ego Mega Girl was fun — until an encounter with Menace, her mind-reading arch enemy, showed her evidence of a sinister conspiracy, and suddenly battling giant robots didn’t seem so important. Now Alison is going to college and trying to find ways to help the world while still getting to class on time. It’s impossible to escape the past, however, and everyone has their own idea of what it means to be a hero….”