Spotlight Program: Lights, Camera, and an Idea Worth Spreading

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At CMLE, we so enjoy all our different types of libraries, archives, and other members! Seeing all the work you are doing is so inspiring; and we want to return the favor by helping you to find some of the great programming going on around the profession.

Each week we will share an interesting program we find. It may inspire you to do exactly the same thing; or to try something related; or just to try out some different programming ideas.

We are big fans of TED talks – there are ideas for everyone, with all kinds of topics covered! If you need inspiration, or suggestions, or just entertainment, TED talks have you covered. So it was very cool to read this article from the Programming Librarian about bringing TED talks into your library! This is by Donna Mignardi  & Jennifer Sturge, Calvert County Public Schools, Prince Frederick, Md.

“Most of us are familiar with TED Talks, a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas through short, often powerful, talks. As librarians, we can use the format of a TED Talk to engage students and teachers with research and encourage them to spread their ideas.