Fun With Falcons – at the library!

Peregrine Falcon in Sundarban

There are a lot of interesting webcams out there, with a lot of little animals you can watch in safety (to you and for them). And of course, libraries are getting in on the action of animal webcams!

The Evanston Public Library has had a pair of falcons nesting there for several years. This year the new female laid four eggs, and they have all hatched!

“Peregrine falcons have been nesting at the library since 2004. They occupy the nest (scrape) from March until June each year. There is an Evanston Peregrine Falcon Watch group for posting and sharing news and observations of the Evanston Peregrine Falcons.  Scientists from the Field Museum’s Chicago Peregrine Program band the young falcons each year.”

While it may not be a program all libraries can have, you can certainly enjoy watching the baby library falcons on their live cam!