Calling all ARLD or ACRL members in Minnesota

You know that we love conferences, and the poster sessions are a really fun part of any conference! Whether you are admiring them, or presenting one to share information from your library, they are valuable. They are also easy to create, easy to share, and really help you connect with other people who like the same stuff you like!

We are passing on the call for posters for the MLA conference that will be RIGHT HERE in St Cloud this October!! If you want to chat about your poster proposal, send us an email at admin @ – we really like to talk about posters and proposals! (No need to be a CMLE member – we like to talk to anyone!)

If you want to hear some basic ideas on conference – including posters – you can listen to our Linking Our Libraries episode right here!

“We are now accepting proposals for the poster session hosted by the Academic and Research Libraries Division of the Minnesota Library Association at the MLA 2018 Annual Conference.

Please submit your poster proposals online. Proposals are due on Wednesday, August 22, 2018 at 5:00pm.

Poster Session Requirements

Poster sessions may present any of the following:

•    A description of an innovative library program
•    An analysis of a practical problem-solving effort
•    A report of a research study

Poster sessions are not for product advertisements, vendor displays, or similar promotional purposes.

Participants must be available to informally discuss their posters with meeting attendees during the ARLD Poster Session, immediately following the ARLD Business Meeting, at the MLA Annual Conference October 11 at the St. Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center  from 1:00pm-1:50pm. Poster boards will be displayed on easels.

When submitting a proposal, you will need to provide:

  • Title – consider choosing a title that is short enough to be cast in an extra large font which can be read from a distance
  • Abstract (200 words or fewer) – a plaintext description of your proposal, its impact, and how you will present it
  • Information about each presenter:
    • Name and mjob title
    • Email address
    • Current employer
    • Phone number


Please direct any questions to Megan Kocher ( Jodi Grebinoski (”