Welcome to our Digital Curation Contractor: Lydia!

If you have been to CMLE HQ, you know that we are absolutely overflowing with projects and tasks! We really needed help, and we were very fortunate to find Lydia to come help us out.

Lydia is our Digital Curation Contractor. That means she is helping us to assemble a member database, so we have the most current contact information for our members.

What can YOU do to help Lydia???

Click here to fill out the contact information for your organization!

Lydia will also be contributing articles to the website, and working with the sound engineering on our podcasts. She has already been a podcast guest for us on a few episodes, so you can admire her work on the public side of CMLE’s material too!

2 thoughts on “Welcome to our Digital Curation Contractor: Lydia!”

    1. Thanks! I thought I was forgetting something! I’ve added it in, with a link above. (Great work on your digital curation already!! Week One = Success!!)

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