Ways to Participate in Banned Books Week 2018

It’s coming! Banned Books Week 2018 is next week, Sept. 23rd – 29th. What is Banned Books Week? It’s when the book community comes together “in shared support of the freedom to seek and to express ideas, even those some consider unorthodox or unpopular.”

“The books featured during Banned Books Week have all been targeted with removal or restricted in libraries and schools. By focusing on efforts across the country to remove or restrict access to books, Banned Books Week draws national attention to the harms of censorship.”

Are you looking for ways to get involved and celebrate Banned Books Week in your media center, library, classroom, or even just for yourself? ALA has this article which features lots of suggestions, including:

  • Participate in the Dear Banned Author letter-writing campaign. Write to a favorite banned author (or post to social media) and share how their story has impacted your life. Use the hashtag #DearBannedAuthor.
  • Host or attend a Banned Book Week event! See if there is one in your area here.
  • Have a Banned Book Read-Out, which is a “continuous reading of banned and challenged books. Readers can join the tradition by posting a video of themselves reading from a banned book or talking about censorship.”
  • Attend the FREE webinar “Speak Out: Voicing Movements in the Face of Censorship” on Sept 25th at 1:30pm CST
  • Download free banners, infographics, social media images, coloring sheets, and more from ALA’s site.

Are you hosting an event or creating a display at your library for Banned Books week? Take a picture or just tell us about it! We’d love to hear more! Email us at admin@cmle.org.