Training Tips: Attending Conferences!

We have talked about our love for attending conferences in the past. You get to see new things, meet interesting people, and learn cool stuff to take back to your library!

This week the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) is holding their annual conference in St Cloud – and we are excited!

So we are going to re-run our podcast episode from last year on attending and presenting at conferences. It’s always good to have some tips on going – whether you have been a hundred times, or if this is your first one.

If you are subscribed to Linking Our Libraries, you will automatically get it on Monday this week, along with our regularly scheduled episode on Thursday.

And if you would rather just stream episodes than subscribe, no problem! Just click here to listen to it right now, and browse all the show notes!

If you are going to MLA, we would love to chat with you!!! We will be presenting on community engagement Thursday at 8am, and about leadership learning and podcasting on Friday at 10:30. Come visit us!!