High School Reading Challenge

New year, new reading challenge!

CMLE has set up a High School Reading Challenge for you to share with your high school students! On Goodreads, we have set up a challenge to read ten books (one for each month of the school year, and a bonus book). You can share this with your high school students, encouraging people to read for the fun of it or have a contest in your library to encourage the idea of competition. Feel free to give away little prizes for people who finish all ten, or giveaways for people who finish each of the ten categories!

You can use our flyer What are You reading__ CMLE High School reading challenge, or design one of your own to promote it.



Having library fun!!

These are all good things!!!

One of your basic tasks is to promote reading, and the fun (or value) of reading books you enjoy. This is a chance for people to try out some books they will have fun reading, or books that they can try reading for their classes, or that will be useful to something they want to learn or to try.

Let’s go read!!!