Training Tips: Password security

Yay: online security!!

We are big fans of this – and hope that you are too.

I know: when I hear about online security I start sighing and thinking about how busy I am, and how long this going to take, and how hard it will be to look up all this information.


We all know it’s important. We all know we have accounts that have been hacked. We know we have passwords and user names floating around on the dark web (even when we aren’t really sure what that means).

I’m entirely with you.


We talked about password managers a couple of weeks ago. (Check it out right here.)  Hopefully you have gone ahead and installed one.


(I’m still cheering for you if you haven’t quite done it yet, but are mentally getting ready. Go! Do it! You’ve got this!!)

I use Password Boss, and it’s just great. (For me. You can choose one that is great for you!) Right there you can see how many of your passwords have been compromised, how much of your information has been found on the dark web, how many duplicate passwords you have, how many are weak, and how many are old.

Guys: it’s a pretty daunting report each time you turn on your computer. It’s right there, and it looks scary.

However, it’s just so easy to fix! All you do is click on an account where you have a password (join me in being stunned by the number of passwords you have that you have totally forgotten!), and hit “Update.”

Your browser opens and takes you there. Then you do not need to know or remember your sign-in info – just click on the little owl icon of Password Boss and it will fill in your info, and sign you in.

This is the harder part – and it’s all due to Poor Web Design. You have to hunt around each website to find the “Change Password” or similar link. You do not need to be clever and think of something new – just hit Password Boss’s “generate a new password” and you will get a big number of random letters (capital and small), numbers, and symbols. Every website will have its own password now – and Password Boss will remember them all!

It’s sadly surprising how often there are no chances to do this. The easiest thing is to log out, then click “forgot my password” and reset it there. It’s still easy.

I had hundreds of compromised passwords, so set a goal to update at least five every day. I’m down now to the final few that have really challenging websites, and I feel much safer!


Even better – I’m TERRIBLE at remembering passwords! Messing up passwords over and over again has resulted in my being locked out of a staggering number of really important websites (Yes: I’ve been locked out of every retirement account I have, every bank account I have, every credit card I’ve ever had, my HSA – you see where this is going.) Now, I NEVER HAVE TO REMEMBER ANOTHER PASSWORD!

The joy I feel over this is staggering!! I even have it on my phone, and it works there too!

We’ve all got plenty of problems and hassles in life. Find a password manager that works for you, and get ready to make your online life safer and easier.


And of course, it goes without saying: Your library needs this!!!!

You may think you are just a little library with nothing to offer a hacker. But they love the practice of taking over websites and accounts that people are leaving unsecured.  Let’s not let your library be the sad disaster story we all tell each other as we shake our heads sadly over your misfortune.

Get a password manager. Keep your passwords fresh and new.

Go be safe today!!!