School Libraries and Internet Filtering: What are you doing on this?

Réprésentation d'internet

We have had a member question about how school libraries are handling internet filtering requirements, and how to talk about it with IT staff, administration, and other stakeholders for school libraries.

So I looked up some information to share – and really, there is not enough out there.

Now we want to ask YOU what you are doing in your library!

First – are you using filtering software in your school library?

My sense at the moment is that not all of our members are, but I don’t know that. And of course there is not a right or wrong answer here – every community will be different and serve different needs that affect their decision.

How are schools handling internet blocking/filtering of sites for students and teachers. What do you specifically block? Topics? Key words? Websites?

What language do they use when working with administration, parents, students?

What support can library personnel acquire to use when discussing this with their IT personnel?

How specifically are library personnel handling the downloading of YouTube videos to school management platforms such as Schoology?

Whether or not you are filtering, it is worth taking some time to sit down with stakeholders, and/or CMLE staff, to make a plan to ensure you are meeting the needs of your community. As with all plans, it’s good to check in and review them every so often to be sure you are meeting changing needs and expectations!

Here are some resources to help you think about this issue. Remember: We are here to help CMLE work through just these kinds of topics! Call or email us and let’s set up some time to chat about your library’s filtering plan.

You can start at the ALA’s website for some of the basic ideas
from the profession. There are tons of links and sites here:

Here is the FCC’s take on filtering in schools – Children’s Internet
Protection Act (CIPA):

Here is an article for public libraries, but some of the info may be
helpful for schools and other libraries:

This article is for school libraries:

Some general info:

S little old, but info on filtering in schools: