Reading To Kids: Always a Great Idea!

CORI Middle School Reading

I so love this story!!

This story was pretty widely reported, but we want to be sure you saw it. And – this is a great idea for reading more books to more kids. We could do this at CMLE!

Read through the article we link to below, and give this some thought. This could be something that CMLE staff organizes, and then we provide to everyone so you can share it with your own students and/or young patrons. It would be really fun to have all kinds of members make videos of yourself reading to kids, dogs, flowers, or nothing at all. We could collect these videos, and have them up online so kids at home could click and have a story read to them before bed – or anytime at all they would like to have a story!

(Just a small plug: this is one of the reasons it’s so useful to be part of a multitype library system! We will be able to gather members from all over the place to share their own love of books, reading, and reading to kids, and create a resource anyone will be able to share with their own community members. Yes: we are biased here, but we also know we have such interesting members across the 300+ organizations that make up CMLE that we feel very comfortable being biased in our love of library systems!)

Send us an email at admin @, or leave a comment below, if this is something you would like us to start at CMLE for everyone to use!

Check out this excerpt, and click on the link to get the entire article:

This elementary school principal reads books on Facebook to ensure her students have a bedtime story

“To foster a love of reading, elementary educators tell their students to read a book at night, or have someone read to them. One principal in Texas has made it personal: She snuggles into a pair of pajamas and reads to her students herself.

“I don’t know if they are read to or not at home,” said Belinda George, 42, a first-year principal at Homer Drive Elementary in Beaumont, in Southeast Texas.

George, often in a cozy onesie, opens Facebook Live on her phone each Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. As she reads a children’s book in her living room, anyone who goes to the school’s Facebook page can watch live. She calls it “Tucked-in Tuesdays,” and it’s become somewhat of a sensation at her school.

“Kids will come up to me Wednesday and say, ‘Dr. George, I saw you in your PJs reading!,” she said. “They’ll tell me their favorite part of the book.”

After watching George and listening to her animated character voices (and sometimes her funny asides) students will approach her to ask where they can find that book in the school library.”