Episode 503: Social Media

Welcome back to Season Five of Linking Our Libraries!

Check out our full shownotes here.

This week we will be talking about Social Media in your library, and how to make it work for you.

We welcome back returning Guest Host Jessie Storlien, from the Stearns History Museum, to help us get some ideas!

Social media is fun! Social media is informative! Social media is a snake pit of danger! Yes, it’s all these things at once. Developing some good social media practices in your library will help to keep you on the more positive side of social media work. So, while it’s good to remember that things you say will be remembered online, and even innocent gaffs can be turned into PR disasters – that’s probably not every day, or possibly not ever for you. Use social media tools as you would anything else that is powerful: carefully, and with plans for keeping everyone safe and happy.

These can be so handy for sharing information – you can reach out to where your patrons are to deliver messages, share information, promote programs and materials, and anything else. Your work in a library is to share information; social media tools can be an easy way to do that. This is part of your job, to connect people to your information. And social media can be a useful way to make that happen.

Thanks to Jessie for coming in to work through this topic with us! Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to get all the library skills directly to your favorite app each week. And you can check out our shownotes for each episode to get all the info we discussed, along with the links to more resources. Every episode we have created is on our website: cmle.org.

If you want to enjoy our book group podcast, subscribe to Reading With Libraries.  

Thanks for joining us this week! And check back in with us next week for another library competency!

Check out this episode!