Podcasting Books and Libraries: Book & Bitch

You probably know that we run a couple of podcasts here:

So, yeah – we are big fans of podcasts! They can be such a good way to share ideas with your community.

Each week we are going to share a podcast from a library, or looking at books, so you can join us in expanding podcast community and admiring the work others are doing to share cool info!

This week we are admiring the podcast Book & Bitch!

“Remember when your teacher would assign a book to read and drilled into everyone’s heads make sure you read the forward? Raise your hand if you said “Forget that,” and skipped right to page 1.

If you’ve taken the time to read the forward you know it contains a wealth of insightful information that gives context and clarity to a piece. So why do we skip it? 

Because we want the juicy parts upfront. We want the action, horror, drama, and romance to begin as soon as we open the book. However, this can mean we overlook key context clues and miss out on the depth of the story. And that’s where Book & Bitch comes in. 

Book & Bitch is a bi-monthly podcast that combines all the juicy bits of the book with the insightfulness of the forward. Highlighting author backstories (spoiler alert: it’s often dramatic) with cultural context and writing theory, we’re the book club you’ve always wanted to join. 

So grab your favorite book and come bitch with us.”

This is a pretty new podcast, so subscribe to support their work! Here are some recent episodes: