Podcasting Books and Libraries: Book Fight

You probably know that we run a couple of podcasts here:

So, yeah – we are big fans of podcasts! They can be such a good way to share ideas with your community.

Each week we share a podcast about books and/or libraries, so you can join us in expanding podcast community and admiring the work others are doing to share cool info!

This week we are admiring the podcast Book Fight! (Twitter: @Book_Fight)

I listen to this every week, and it’s always interesting!

From their website:

“The Book Fight podcast is, in a nutshell, writers talking about books. Books we love. Books we hate. Books that inspire us, baffle us, infuriate us. These are the conversations writers have at the bar, which is to say they’re both unflinchiningly honest and open to tangents, misdirection, general silliness.

Each episode starts with a particular book, story or essay, chosen either by one of us (Tom or Mike) or by our guest, though you don’t need to read the books to enjoy the show. We promise not to spoil anything too serious, plot-wise, and the books themselves generally serve as jumping-off points for larger discussions about writing and reading: craft issues, the ins and outs of publishing, the contemporary lit scene, such as it is.

We’ve also gotten in the habit of building our short story and essay episodes around seasonal themes, like the Winter of Wayback and Spring of Success. During the first two years of the show, our installments on non-book weeks were called Writers Ask, episodes focused on answering questions from listeners about writing, reading, publishing, MFA programs, and more.”

Here are a few of their recent episodes: