Attend the MNwest Entrepreneur Summit! (featuring a CMLE member!)

This event sounds like such a great opportunity for our CMLE community! Whether you are in education, a library, or a nonprofit, definitely consider attending this event! (CMLE members, consider applying for a scholarship to help cover the cost of attendance)

Plus, you’ll get to hear from CMLE member Angie Kalthoff! “Presenter Angie Kalthoff is an experienced K-12 technology instructor, University of MN Adjunct Instructor in Curriculum and Instruction, and Tufts University ECT Program Manager.” You can listen to her fantastic episode on Season 2 of Linking Our Libraries here.

From their website:
“At the Entrepreneur Summit, education, business, and government leaders will converge, to focus on creatively fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in our MNwest region. The Summit brings together businesses and communities, colleges and high schools, that are leaning in, with students and startups, to shape and strengthen our regional entrepreneur ecosystem.”

This document has additional details about the event, including specific information for why this will be such a valuable experience for teachers!