Podcasting Books and Libraries: Backlisted

You probably know that we run a couple of podcasts here:

So, yeah – we are big fans of podcasts! They can be such a good way to share ideas with your community.

Each week we share a podcast about books and/or libraries, so you can join us in expanding podcast community and admiring the work others are doing to share cool info!

This week we are admiring the podcast Backlisted! @BacklistedPod

Here is their story:

“It all started when

Backlisted launched two years ago and is now one of the most popular book podcasts. Each episode features a guest (usually a writer) who has chosen a book they love and which they think deserves a wider audience. Though sponsored by the crowd-funding publisher Unbound, it isn’t about selling new product: it’s about how and why some books stand the test of time.

Our listeners are committed, adventurous readers. As well as lively, well-informed discussion we include readings and audio clips of the featured author. Our job is to make you want to read the book.

Backlisted’s listener base is growing rapidly: total plays so far in 2018 have equalled the entire number of plays we had in 2016. This seems amazing to us, as the books chosen are often obscure (who guessed more than 8,000 people want to listen to an hour on Anita Brookner!) Backlisted is regularly in the Literature Top 10 on iTunes (with over a hundred five-star reviews), we have a burgeoning programme of live recordings at book festivals and some bookshops even have special ‘Backlisted’ tables. “

Here are a few of their recent episodes: