If you haven’t seen the Mona Lisa – IT’s Virtual!

We are big fans of VR! Starting this year we have several VR/AR kits we are loaning to our school libraries, complete with lesson plans they can use to connect classes with all kinds of great resources.

Sure, it’s fun to play with these. But virtual and augmented reality is playing an increasingly important role in a lot of other areas. We are going to look at a different use each week, so you can work with your community members to help them learn about the great things possible for them today, and tomorrow.

I’ve never been to the Louvre, and never seen the Mona Lisa in person. And even if you have, the crowds are so huge people get about 30 seconds in front of the painting.

But, we are living in the future!

You don’t need to be in Paris to enjoy this cultural treasure of the world – you just need some VR goggles!

(Conveniently: we have them to loan!)

The Louvre has worked with tech companies to make a video to give some perspective on making the Mona Lisa video:

You can read more details in this article: The ‘Mona Lisa’ Experience: How the Louvre’s First-Ever VR Project, a 7-Minute Immersive da Vinci Odyssey

We are working on getting this video, and many other VR experiences, to share with our CMLE community.

There are so many great things out there to explore – let’s keep finding all the great images and ideas to share!!