Podcasting Books and Libraries: Currently Reading

You probably know that we run a couple of podcasts here:

So, yeah – we are big fans of podcasts! They can be such a good way to share ideas with your community.

Each week we share a podcast about books and/or libraries, so you can join us in expanding podcast community and admiring the work others are doing to share cool info!

This week we are admiring the podcast Currently Reading!

Check out this info from their website:

“Currently Reading is a podcast dedicated to the love of books and reading. Two bookish friends discuss what’s on their nightstands, in their earbuds, and on their Kindles right now, in addition to books they’ve loved forever, and a variety of other readerly topics.”

And you will want to read their Bookish Q&A! Such great questions, and fun answers! “What was the first novel you read? What’s your worst bookish habit? What’s your favorite book of all time?”

Check out a few of their recent episodes:

Subscribe today! Download! Share the book love with your friends and patrons!